What is a songwriter round?

A songwriter round is essentially a concert performed by songwriters.  It got its name because the show starts with one songwriter performing one of their hit songs.  When finished, they will introduce the next songwriter to perform their song and will continue in that format.  When you book or hire songwriters for an event, you are booking a “round.”

What types of events are best suited for a songwriter’s night? 

Songwriters perform to all size groups but the more intimate the better.  This experience tells your guests the story behind the songs so a captive, intimate, and engaged setting is always best.

I thought songwriter nights were mostly just available in Nashville, is this true? 

The popularity of a songwriter night has helped grow the concept outside of Nashville! We host Songwriters In Concert events all over the United States.

How many songwriters do I need for my show?

First, consider how long you want the show to last. One song takes roughly 5 minutes including the story that inspired the song and a performance of the song.

For example, if you want a 90-minute show, you’ll hear 18 songs.  You want songwriters to perform their greatest hits. If you have a writer that had 5 number #1 hits, that writer should take up 25 minutes leaving 65 minutes left. Next songwriter has 7 number one hits, they would take up 35 minutes so you have 30 minutes left.  In this scenario, we would recommend at least three songwriters. You’ll want the third songwriter to have at least 6 hit songs.

Can I choose what songs they perform? 

In a way, yes. Simply put the songs you request in your offer. Keep in mind that songwriters are not cover bands, so they don’t play songs that they have not written.

Do songwriters do meet and greets or autograph items for guests?

Yes! These are great ways to make your VIP guests feel special. Songwriters often sign guitars or lyric sheets for VIP guests. All requests should be submitted prior to the event.

Is it possible to book or hire the Artist who actually performed the song?

Absolutely! This is a great way to surprise your guests. For example, if you hire a songwriter who wrote a song for Rascal Flatts, you can also book Gary LeVox (former lead singer of Rascal Flatts) to perform with the songwriter.

What does a typical rider look like for a songwriter?

We will provide you with specific information for each songwriter(s) selected. 

In general, songwriter riders will include these requirements:

  • Travel - Air and ground transportation, parking accommodations, hotel accommodations (if necessary)

  • Production - sound and lighting provided by the venue (we can always help source this equipment)

  • Hospitality - a private green room space

  • Catering - a meal, snacks, drinks, etc.

Once I contract my songwriters, what else do I need to do?

Address the rider requirements for the songwriter(s) and address how they will be fulfilled. Our team is always available to help!

Who should arrange travel?

It is always advised to let the songwriters choose their air travel. You just need to mutually agree on the flights and the flight cost. You should provide local ground transportation as you most likely know the area they are performing in better than the songwriters.

How long is the sound check?

If all of the production is functioning correctly, each writer will need 15-20 minutes.